
Travel to the UK: Travel to enjoy history, culture, and nature

The United Kingdom is an attractive country that combines history, culture and nature. In urban areas such as London, Edinburgh and Oxford, you can enjoy historic buildings, museums, and museums. You can also enjoy beautiful nature in the countryside in Cotswolds and Lake Water District.

5 recommended spots

1. London

The British capital London is one of the best cities in the world. There are many tourist spots, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Tower, and the British Museum. In addition, entertainment such as musicals and operas is substantial.


2. Edinburgh

Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is a beautiful city with medieval streets. It is full of historical highlights, such as Edinburgh Castle, Royal Mile, and Hollyd Palace. The Edinburgh International Festival, which is held every August, is the world's largest art festival.


3. Oxford

Oxford is known as the oldest university city in the world. Oxford University and Cambridge University are two prestigious universities in the UK. You can stroll through university buildings and gardens and enjoy the atmosphere of the student district.


4. Cotswals

Cotswolds is a representative area of ​​British countryside. The stone villages spreading in the hills are like a picture book world. You can also enjoy activities such as hiking and cycling.


5. Lake area

The lake area is a beautiful natural area in the northwestern part of the United Kingdom. You can enjoy the magnificent scenery, such as Lake Windamia, lakes, mountains, and forests. Activities such as cruising and hiking are also popular.

Lake area


A trip to the UK does not require a visa, but it takes 6 months for the passport for more than 6 months. The currency is a pound. You can exchange money from Japanese yen to pound at banks and money exchange.

The best season for traveling in the UK is from spring to summer. In summer, sunshine hours are long and easy to sightseeing. In winter, the sunshine hours are short and cold, so you need to take measures against cold.

Traveling to the UK is a journey where you can enjoy history, culture and nature. Why don't you plan your trip to the UK?


  • The above information is as of February 26, 2024. For the latest information, please check with reliable sources such as the Overseas Safety website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • For traveling in the UK, we recommend that you take out overseas travel insurance.
  • In the UK, the entry procedure has been changed due to the withdrawal of the EU. For details, please check with reliable information sources such as the Overseas Safety website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
* The contents are at the time of writing (February 26, 2024). Depending on the viewing timing, it may differ from the actual content.
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